Montreat 2007 Video
Check out the snappin' slide show that Marianna made for The Davidson Presbyterian Churches experience at the Montreat Youth Conference, Week 6.
At devotions DCPC Youth answer the question, "Where did you see God today?" This blog recounts our stories, the places we find ourselves in God's story, and the ways we see God working in the world around us.
Check out the snappin' slide show that Marianna made for The Davidson Presbyterian Churches experience at the Montreat Youth Conference, Week 6.
Posted by
DCPC Youth
11:41 AM
The Davidson Presbyterian Churches (Davidson and Davidson College Presbyterian Churchs) attended the 2007 Montreat Youth Conference, during week 6, July 29-August 4. We lived together in the Elizabeth Lord Huske House, cooked tasty meals (including a taco party with Cook's Memorial Presbyterian Church and a luau). We also played and worshipped together as we explored the theme Turning the Page. Marianna made the fabulous slideshow/video (above) of pictures and memories from Montreat Youth Conference Week Six, featuring our fabulous group. Check it out.
Out of this trip came a commitment for the youth from our oh-so-close churches to do more together to strengthen our community. The first dual activity will be the screening of Invisible Children. (See the link to the left.) While at Montreat Evon, Brijan, Marianna, and Shelli went to see the documentary Invisible Children, which was shown because 1/3 of the conference offering was going to them. The entire group has been convicted by that experience and the World on Fire video by Sarah McLachlan. Check it out at Wanting to reach out into the world together, we will show Invisible Children on a Wednesday evening in October and raise funds for those the world turns away from.
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Posted by
DCPC Youth
2:41 PM
Labels: conference, high school