100 Things to Remember About Massanetta
On the car ride home in the pouring, pouring, pouring rain, we wrote down 100 things we want to remember about the 2008 Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference, "Leaps and Bounds." Here Goes:
1. “Shelli. It doesn’t matter if we get in a wreck. Just dance!” –Molly
2. “Just say no to crack.” (Laura Holbrook’s wardrobe pep talk.)
3. "No purple." (ie boys in girls room or girls in boys rooms.)
4. Massanetta is a very fun place.
5. my enabler Kevin
6. scavenger hunt
7. slip n slide
8. 4 rules of the DCPC Scavenger Hunt Team 1
-DCPC doesn’t cheat.
-Squeeze and walk fast.
-No man is left behind.
-No hugs for Jalen
9. Encounter Group 15 rox!
10. super dance parties.
11. super skip (how we roll during the scavenger hunt)
12. sign language lord’s prayer
13. energizers
14. dancing in place in the bus
15. “We Are Family” (Hey, hey, hey . . . )
16. Russ as an enabler
17. positive circle during devotion (We all shared the things we appreciate about one another.)
18. Leaps and Bounds
19. front row (yep, yep - that's us on the front row)
20. Marshmallow Peeps telling the Bible stories.
21. Finding Nemo and Cars clips during keynote
22. Allison—the cool DCPC college kid
23. Disney Channel songs
24. Saving Grace (the every day theme skit)
25 All the adults and Allison
26. playing “Just Kidding”
27. Allison being my BFBG and Shelli seeing God in me (from Hannah)
28. DANCING!!!
29. getting closer to God and my friends
30. making new friends
31. Christ Kinz! (These are our secret pals. This year they were actually a secret.)
32. singing songs!
34. the looooonnnng awesome FUN 6 hour drive
35. I was always so thirsty. Bring a water bottle.
36. THE Davidson Presbyterian Churches (as in DCPC and DPC)
37. Katie D.-very cool enabler
38. Steve Carrel look-alike!
39. Istanbul
40. great lunches, breakfast, dinners
41. skits
42. slippin’ slide! Jeremy’s record-breaking grass cutting slide
43. anointing service
44. the French song we chanted after the dance (French as in, it was in English from Taize)
45. ANTS! Honk-honk-honk!
46. being 22 and everyone thinking I’m a really mature 8th grader! Haha (yep-I got asked out by a 13 yr old.)
47. energizers and music—Istanbul and Numa Numa MAKE MY LIFE!!!
48. enablers doing the Lord’s Prayer in sign language during closing worship.
49. getting to know DCPC’s AMAZING middle schoolers (from Allison)
50. Being served communion by Russ.
51. “What do you do in Heaven, sit around and eat grapes?”
52. enablers sticking their heads out the window
53. Getting stoles made from our Encounter Group mats
54. “name talk” at dinner (Have you met Waisie Mills or Mellen Ontgomery)
55. hair don’ts. We all went for it…even Shelli.
56. anointing service…my group put our arms around each other at the end
57. getting “Leaps and Bounds” stuck in my head
58. my enabler-Jake Coltrane
59. I LOVED the energizers
-Istanbul #1
- Numa Numa #2
- Signed, Sealed, Delivered #3
60. the keynotes totally opened my eyes to God about friends, questions, and crowds.
61. The slip-n-slide rocked! That was my shower for Sat.
62. Hair don’ts rocked! Especially jumping in the pool right afterwards. We made the lifeguards mad!
63. There are so many things about Massanetta that rocked!!
64. I want to go back.
65. backhome devotions
66. dance
67. energizers are the awesomest. Especially when they happen in the car
68. everything was really fun!
69. We're the only group with glowsticks for the night scavenger hunt. Yep! We're cool.
70. freetime
71. Checking out girls from our window.
72. playing Catchphrase on the van
73. really cool car rides
74. The really long line at Wendy's
75. the music
76. keynotes and themes
77. new friends (Who knew you could make friends so fast.)
78. canoes are fun but the lake smells really bad and is covered in moss.
79. Christ Kin - sneaking around, making super secret deliveries.
80. Bring money, snacks and souvenirs are in the lobby.
81. dedicating songs in the can
82. People looking at us like we are crazy for doing the Numa Numa dance in the car
83. Sitting camel stomp.
84. ice cold pool (at first)
85. smelly lake gunk
86. I want to be an enabler when I get to High School!!!
87. the huge fish with the cut tail
88. getting twisted around in the scavenger hunt
89. Ellen’s “gangsta look” with bling
90. Olympics on the back lawn
91. 3 legged race
92. pool of squishy stuff (like the inside of diapers – clean diapers. Awesome)
93. being late on accident
94. list of things people wrote about you
95. Dippin’ Dots at lunch
96. Fast Target shopping (15 minutes for 3 days worth of Christ Kin gifts)
97. devotions when we revealed our Christ Kin
98. 25 people doing Istanbul at the Exit 30 On the Run
99. Questions??? About faith, life, me, God.
100. July 9-12, 2009 – When we’ll go to Massanetta next year.