Signed, Sealed, Delivered (Day 3)
What we did today: breakfast, lunch, and dinner (imagine that they feed us here) theme III and IV, encounter groups x 2, two more workshops, recreation with hair don'ts art, and slip n' slide; the big dance, an anointing service, laying on of hands for one another in our closing devos.
Where did we see God today?
- Kasey- Anointment
- Hannah C.: having fun at the dance
- Tori: Moon and stars at anointment (Shelli too!!!) (Additional commentary by Tori: I absolutely ADORED the music. Numa Numa, and Revolution are definitely the best energizers (in my opinion) and Stewert playing the guitar/piano was very uplifting!!!)
- Holly: the entire day. Saw God singing in Hudson and in the oil at the anointing.
- Hannah R: entire day. :] Workshops. Saw God in the quote from both of the movies.
(H & H show off their shaving cream art. C shows how yucky you can get making shaving cream art - when it is a full contact sport.)
What we want to remember about the day to bring back with us:
FUN CITY: new people; new dance (the one we made up using pirate moves - aaar!); Massanetta is the best!!, sharing last moments with good friends. Holly: I want to bring back personalities and spirits of the others I met. Hannah: meeting people and the dance.
MEANINGFUL: (delivered from) Watching movie clips from Akkealah and the Bee and Coach Carter - middle school is when you find out who you are. We're moving from faith from our parents & Sunday school teacher to thinking 4 yourself. Things we want to be delivered from: pressures, poor faith, from always thinking change is bad. We want to be delivered to: leadership, really thinking on our faith, not always depending on others but instead helping them.
FAITH: How Massanetta just brings everyone together. Massanetta is a magical place. Holly and Shelli: Holy ground is made from God. It is not one particular place but where we are thinking about God and spending time with God. That space is Holy Ground.
FAITH: How Massanetta just brings everyone together. Massanetta is a magical place. Holly and Shelli: Holy ground is made from God. It is not one particular place but where we are thinking about God and spending time with God. That space is Holy Ground.
Biggest Groan of the Day: Massanetta is tooooooo short. It should be a week.
(Having fun at the dance.)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
- Marianne Williamson
that is the quote from the two movies (Akeelah and the Bee, Coach Carter) i really like that quote and thats why it was the place i saw God that day.
Hannah, you rock. Thanks for finding this, Shelli
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